Daily Attendance

Students should arrive at school no later than 8:55 a.m. School begins each day at 9:00 a.m. With safety being one of Faith’s priorities, and no supervision provided prior to school, please have your child here no earlier than 8:50 a.m. and remain with them until a teacher or other staff member is present.

Being at school on time each day is very important; it improves learning and creates healthy habits. Inconsistent drop off routines and times truly get in the way of students being a part of this learning community and can leave gaps in the educational process. Please make every attempt to schedule appointments, long-extended family vacations, and other out-of-school events during non-school days. Excessive tardiness and absences will be addressed by the administration.

Early Pick-Up

Please inform your child’s teacher in advance when your child needs to be picked up or dropped off early from school.

Arrival/Dismissal/Late Pick Up

Please make certain that students are picked up on time. Should you arrive late, 5 minutes after dismissal, you will be billed at a rate of $5 per minute. Your child will be with their classroom teacher 5 minutes after SCHEDULED pick-up time. After this time, they will either be in the office with the Director/Associate Director or with the After School teachers, if space allows. After School Care is available. Please see the office for billing.

Students will not be permitted to walk unattended through the parking lot. Please avoid distractions (like cell phone conversations) and drive slowly into and out of the school parking lot. With a number of small children in the parking lot, we ask for your undivided attention to their safety.

Sign In and Out Requirements

Upon arrival and departure, caregivers must sign their child in and out by scanning the QR Code on the phone provided by the teacher and entering their personal pin number. ONLY adults authorized on the emergency pick-up form will be able to pick up and sign out a child.

Reporting Absences

If your child will be absent, please send a message using the Brightwheel app.



Too Sick for School?

For information about our COVID-19 response, click here.

Children and staff with the following symptoms will be excluded from school:

  • Diarrhea where stool frequency exceeds two stools above normal within 24 hours or one stool containing more than a drop of blood or mucus.
  • HFM (Hand Foot and Mouth) Disease: A red rash on the palms, without itching but sometimes with blistering sores and sometimes the buttocks, feeling of being unwell, irritability, fever, poor appetite, sore throat, headache.
  • Vomiting: 2 or more times in the previous 24 hours.
  • Open or oozing sores, unless properly covered with waterproof dressing, or mouth sores with drooling.
  • For suspected communicable skin infections such as impetigo, pinkeye, and scabies: the child may return 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment.
  • Lice, ringworm, or scabies: Must be excluded from the end of the day it was discovered. The child may return 24 hours after starting treatment if they appear healthy.
  • Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher by any method, behavior change, or other signs and symptoms of illness including earache, headache, sore throat, rash, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • COVID-19: Faith follows the State Department of Health’s COVID-19 symptom decision tree for students who have any COVID-like symptoms. Symptoms are divided into two categories:
    • If a student has a runny nose, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, headache, fatigue, or a sore throat then they need to remain home but don’t need to get a COVID test for only one symptom lasting less than 24 hours.
    • Students need to remain home and get tested if one symptom from any category lasts more than 24 hours, or in the case of multiple symptoms from the list above, or if displaying any of these symptoms: fever, muscle aches, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, or coughing.

Children may return to school when they have been fever free 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Children and staff who have a reportable disease may not attend FLS unless approved by the local health authority.

Children and staff who have a reportable disease may not be in attendance at Faith unless approved by the local health authority.

Illness or Injury at School

Faith will keep a confidential, individualized, written record in the child’s file that includes the following: date of an illness or injury, treatment provided while at Faith, and names of the staff providing treatment.

Faith will provide a copy of the illness or injury report to the child’s caregiver. Faith will keep a current, written incident log listing the date of illness or injury, the child’s name, names of staff involved, and a brief description of the incident for tracking and analysis. Faith does not take oral, ear, or rectal temperatures. Families will be notified in writing when their children have been exposed to infectious diseases or parasites. The notification may consist of a Brightwheel message, a letter to families, posting a notification in a visible location, or a combination of these methods. Faith is a mandated disease reporter and will report necessary diseases and illnesses to the local department of health.